Early Childhood Development


Through a broad collaboration effort and with the support of Grow-Up Great funds the schools, parents and community are working to enhance the current programs of nutrition, culture and health. We are helping to construct a path to the rich field of horticulture while affording the families the opportunities to have fun while learning together.

The Center is also home to several experienced program providers including Crescent-Rosedale Head Start, Rosedale Children’s Early Learning Center, and formerly Community College of Allegheny County.  They each provide, educational, and skill building programs, that heretofore, were not available in our community.


The Early Learning Center provides developmental opportunities for 35 children. The Head Start children now formally wrap around the learning center when their program ends for the day. The children have the benefit of quality and developmental care in the adjaisoned program space until 6:00 P.M.

Through collaborations nutrition information and innovative family activities such as cooking meals in our state-of-the-art kitchen, gardening programs, and much more will be made available.


We plan to assist in expanding the childrens' awareness of their culture and achievements through song, dance, literature, food, social development and family relationships. Helping them to build more self-esteem which untimately encourages better decision making skills.


It is well established that academic achievement, self-esteem and student welfare are all interconnected. Through a shared effort we will address the physical and social health of our children, and their families.

Program activities will address age appropiate issues such as accident prevention and safety, community health, consumer health, disease control, prevention, enviromental health, eye and vision health formerly life education, mental and emotional health, nutrional, personal health, self-esteem building, substance abuse prevention and violence prevention.


Horticulture is the art and science of growing and tending to plants, an area where children can be taught many subjects through this innovative effort. Even preschool-aged children can learn the concept of nutrition, respect, success, failure, appreciation for beauty and cooperation. Gardening can blossom into a hobby or career.

